It should at least make things better, but it does not. This is just one more cost that we are forced to endure and then pass on to our customers, which makes life more expensive for all of us. As much as I would like to throw the Adobe products into the trash, I need to use them. Unfortunately, I think we are all yelling into the wind. I had a good system for "signing" and securing documents, but now I can't even figure out how to use my actual signature, as they've changed that whole routine. Whats' more, the functionality of Acrobat is actually worse than the '16 version. Try again in 24 hours.) From the drop-down, search or select a plan. (Don't see Change your plan The option isn't available if we're processing your payment or had a problem with it.

That is, all the "tool icons" open with every file even though they are unusable. Sign in at Select Manage plan for the plan you want to change. The reader program is constantly presenting "ads" for additional services with no way to disable. It was so annoying at one point that I also installed the "free" reader, which was faster for a while, but they both have issues.

Please keep yourself Signed In to get the easy access to the service. If you'll Sign Out, then it would be asking for credential when you'll open next. To open or view any pdf file, it would require your Sign In credential. The '20 version requires a login to use, just like the subscription and, even when I am logged-in, it can take upwards of 5 minutes to open a file from my hard drive that should be instantaneous. Adobe Acrobat DC is a subscription based service. I would like to find a way to revert my '20 license to a '16 version. I purchased the "desktop version" of Acrobat Pro 2020 last year for my new machine and have 2016 on my old machine. Okay, I'm going to vent also as we all know it's a bit of a Don Quixote situation.