The Other storage has disappeared, but instead, a new System Data tab appeared. What is System Data on Mac?Īpple has made some changes in the storage categories with the recent macOS update. One thing you’ll have noticed is that colored bar labeled ‘ System Data.’ What is it, why is Mac System Data large, and how do you clear it? Read on and find out. Regardless of the purpose, we all share one thing in common - we probably spend a lot of time checking the Storage tab. Some of us use our Macs to edit videos, others for gaming. Except for ruling out some job-related tasks, we use them for storing some private files, such as a large collection of photos or music files, and entertainment. We all love our Macs, and they have truly become important in our work and personal lives. But to help you do it all by yourself, we’ve gathered our best ideas and solutions below.įeatures described in this article refer to the MacPaw site version of CleanMyMac X. So here’s a tip for you: Download CleanMyMac to quickly solve some of the issues mentioned in this article.