How amazing it is that he passed away on Shabe Jum'ah, the night he would call people towards then masjids to remember Allah and His religion, through that Allah took him on a blessed night. The Islamic calendar date of his passing is Thursday 9th of Jumad 'l-Ula'. He had been unwell for sometime and although he had recovered, he returned to Allah between maghrib and isha salah at the age of 92.

Hafiz Saheb would travel often and he was always very active for the effort of this deen, people knew this and it was for this reason that large groups of people would flock towards him wherever he went where upon seeing him, he would impart to them sweet and simple words that would permeate through their hearts softening them. I remember now when I returned from jammat in Morocco, he gifted me with ittr and a miswak then he invited me to join him suhur and iftari and this was his usual practice. When my brother Maulana Atif rahmatullahi alayhi passed away he supported my family greatly, he personally came to my local masjid to speak about my brother and whenever I met him he would mention and remind me of him.

I had a close connection with him, he would love me dearly and whenever he saw me he would advise me and sometimes give me gifts, sometimes he would hold my hand for a long time to show his affection for me. His khadim mentions that he would stand for long hours in the night performing tahajjud and then making dua for people by naming them individually as Allah had blessed him with a very sharp memory and that was coupled with his sincerity as well as his concern for his fellow Muslims.Īll my memories with Hafiz Patel Saheb rahmatullahi alayhi are playing back in my mind.

Not only was he the Amir of jammat, but without doubt he was one of the Amirs of the Muslims here in the UK and we are all indebted to him. Sixty or seventy years ago we had nothing in terms of establishment of Islam here, it is through his struggle and his sacrifices that alhamdulilah we have the masajid, makatib and madaris that exist today. Just to mention a few of his remarkable efforts, Hafiz Patel Saheb rahmatullahi alayhi would walk daily from Dewsbury to Bradford (approximately 10 miles) for the sole intention of calling people towards Allah. It is without exaggeration that thousands of people have become alims, huffaz and qurra through his efforts and his encouragement. Hafiz Patel Saheb rahmatullahi alayhi was like a father figure to us, it was through his efforts that my uncle, myself and my brothers studied this blessed deen. I was on my way to Dewsbury Markaz when my father called me in order to inform me that Hafiz Patel Saheb, the amir of Tablīgh jammat in Europe, had returned to Allah.